Capricorn no Ionia
Capricorn no Ionia
Name: 山羊座のイオニア(カプリコーンのイオニア)
Types: Unit DNP:
Color: TNP: 6
Card No#: U-029 Cost: 2
Set: 聖闘士星矢Ω Rarity: U
Color Produce:
6 2 6

Special Effect Text:
エース(1) 聖闘士 クイック

ACE(1), Saint, Quick

Ability Effect Text:

(Auto B) 《[2・X]》 When this card play onto field during battle phase, 1 enemy's unit in deployment area with X Total Amount of Cost or below, move to friendly deployment area in Reroll / Active Status. At the end of the turn, move the targeted unit to original's owner deployment area.

黄金聖闘士 風属性

Gold Saint, Wind Element

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